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Small Business Website Must-Haves

Updated: Apr 20, 2023

Chances are, if you are reading this, you’re sold on the idea of building or revamping your small business website. Because unless you’re a small business owner who isn’t interested in growing your business and your brand, you NEED a website. A small business website is not just about selling your products or services. It’s also about providing something of value to potential customers.

But what do you put ON your website?

Here’s our list of must-haves that we put on our clients’ websites:

# 1 - A Clear Business Description

Web-savvy customers don’t want to spend time digging for information about who you are and what your business does. You have mere seconds to make a lasting impression on them when they land on your site.

Clearly (and succinctly) describe what you do, who you like to work with (or sell to), and any additional information about your business that will help them better understand what you do.

# 2 - Speaking Of What You Do, Pick A Good URL!

Don’t make this overly complicated. Pick a simple, straightforward URL that reflects what your business does. Your URL should be just a few words, at the longest, so that people will remember it and be able to make sense of it.

Avoid using dashes or numbers because these can hurt your SEO.

When you’re researching your small business website URL, don’t use a web service to search. Sometimes these companies can buy up domains that are searched for to raise the prices.

(If you’re worried about finding the perfect domain name, reach out to Tracee, and she can give you more helpful tips on this one!)

# 3 - Map Out Easy Navigation For Your Small Business Website

When we work on new websites, we base everything (site design, content, etc.) on the client’s navigation.

What might be on your list?

  1. A homepage

  2. An About Us page

  3. Your Industries Served (Your “Ideal Client”)

  4. Your Services

  5. #1 Service

  6. #2 Service

  7. #3 Service

  8. Your Products

  9. #1 Product

  10. #2 Product

  11. #3 Product

  12. A Blog or News page

  13. A Portfolio

  14. A Contact Us page

There’s no need to make this overly complicated. It basically is just a roadmap for where to start planning the design/layout and the content.

# 4 - Your Contact Information (EVERYWHERE!)

We like to recommend contact information everywhere, but not obnoxious! The header and the footer are common areas where you can add that in. Having a Contact Us page with more information, that’s great, too!

You must let people know that they can quickly get in touch with you in many different ways!

If they can’t find this information within a few seconds of being on your website, chances are they aren’t going to bother to dig very deep!

#5 - Testimonials & Reviews

Think about the last thing that you watched on Netflix or TV. Did you find that program on your own? Or did someone recommend it?

As humans, we like to read what others think about a business before we even think about hiring them. After what your company does exactly and how to contact you, one of the first things people look for on a website is: What are people saying about you?

Showcase your testimonials or reviews liberally throughout your website, in addition to having a page just for those.

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#6 - A Call To Action, Or Two, Or Three….

Do you have a phone number or email address on every page for them to request more information or contact you? Great!

You want them to sign up for your email newsletter? That’s another excellent call to action!

You want them to order from your eCommerce store or request a sample? Even better!

Whatever the call to action (CTA) is for your business (and you can use more than one), be CLEAR about what you want the reader to do. Click here. Call this number. Email us. Short, sweet, and to the point.

I mean, the whole point of your website, besides offering information about your business, is to get them to do SOMETHING. So, tell them!

Need Some Help With Your Small Business Website?

If this list stressed you out, or you want someone to take the worries off of your hands, try us at Creatively Seeded.

Wait, let’s revise that call to action to be more precise. Hire us at Creatively Seeded to design and host your website. (See what I did there?)

We help Nebraska small businesses build unique, eye-catching, branded websites and marketing materials. With a professional designer and a copywriter on our team, we can take your ideas and craft something outstanding! In addition to web design, we also offer branding, SEO services, hosting on a secure platform, and blog writing to keep your content fresh!


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