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What is Your Visual Brand Identity and Why is it Important?

Updated: Apr 20, 2023

It’s a new year, and you’re probably thinking about revamping your business. Am I right? Well, if that’s the case, this blog is just what you need! Part of any brand is its visual identity. Having a strong visual identity is vital as you start revamping or updating your business.

What is a Visual Brand Identity?

Let’s talk about your visual brand identity and why it’s an essential part of your business.

To start off, let me explain what your visual brand identity is. Firstly, your visual identity is how you present your business through visible elements such as graphics, typography, color palette, imagery, and more.

Secondly, it’s vital to communicate your business to your audience based on emotional communication through colors and imagery. For instance, did you know certain colors inherently represent a word or emotion?

For example, the color blue is associated with trust and loyalty. Similarly, it’s also know for it’s calming effects and often represents harmony. Using blue in your branding can help position your brand as trustworthy, reliable, and safe.

Think about how specific images and colors make you feel. That’s the basis of your visual identity. How do you want your audience to feel when they see the imagery and graphics representing your brand? When you work with a graphic designer, we help bring all of these elements together in your brand, across all platforms.

My top tips for developing a solid visual brand are:

  1. Make it Memorable to make an impression, and your audience keeps thinking about it.

  2. Flexibility is vital so that your visual brand works across all mediums, including web and print.

  3. Consistency and Cohesiveness are a must to ensure that every piece of your visual brand works together.

Why is Your Visual Brand Identity Important?

Your visual brand is what keeps your customers and your audience coming back. Think about how many times you’ve just been scrolling through social media and someone’s logo or graphic has made you stop, just based on the colors.

This is why visual branding is essential!

You’re creating an emotional impression with your audience. Before they know it, they’ll be associating specific colors with your brand. This means your audience is more likely to purchase your products and services.

Another reason why visual brand identity is so important because it unifies your brand across all aspects and mediums. I can’t explain how important consistency is for your brand. It keeps your brand looking clean and professional. Moreover, there’s no confusion about the nature of your brand and services.

Here are my top three (3) tips for building a solid visual identity:

  1. Know your ideal client/audience and what will appeal to them. This includes demographics, habits, and behaviors.

  2. Know your Why. A clear mission statement helps build your visual brand identity. It provides a clear path on the graphics and visuals to use.

  3. What emotions are you looking to evoke with your brand? Do you want your customers to feel happy, excited, creative, trusting? Knowing the feeling (s) you want your audience to feel plays a huge part in determining your color palette.

Are you ready to revamp your visual brand identity? We’d love to help you out!

Get iiii n touch with us today to start the process!




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